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Clients Review

SPRING worked with my entire R&D team (36 strong) in 2009 with the object of improving overall team dynamics.
The Spring team tooka refreshingly different approach. Initially, they met each leader in the team to understand their personal side as well as their leadership style. They followed this with leader and team sub-group discussions to observe what worked and what did not. Once a baseline team dynamic map was built, Spring embarked on a 3 step journey with the team – 1. Individual self awareness based on ego states 2. Appreciation of Transactional Analysis, and 3. Aworkshop with the entire team in which team working diagnostics were shared, areas of team dynamic fixes identified, roles that leaders could play in resolving these agreed, and areas of individual personal development drawn out that would enable healthier team dynamics.
The entire journey of team transformation starting with self awareness leading to self transformation resulting in improvement in how individuals showed up in a team, was truly brilliant in conception, orchestrated with great sensitivity and nuanced handling. The program outcomes went well beyond expectations. Every member in the team discovered themselves in some manner and found a new level to operate from. There was heightened connectedness with self and with the team following the program. Several members from my team came back to share how deeply the program had impacted them. Some even shyly expressed how they wished their spouses too could somehow experience the program.
I have great admiration for the Spring team for what they helped me and my team to achieve. We have truly become a far tighter unit following the program – something for which I will remain indebted to them.
Atul Bhatia
Executive Director
Research, Development & Quality