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Profile Mapping

The first step in competency mapping is wherein the evaluator sits with the individual to understand his/her life, education and work history in brief. This is required to get a deeper insight into the individual's thinking processes, emotional status and non-verbal and verbal behaviour.
A battery of psychometric tests is administered thereafter to help in quantifying and further validating the assessment made by the evaluator. These tests help identify the personality traits the individual calls on to survive and thrive at the workplace, insight into the functioning of individuals's persona - whether he or she tilts more towards being 'people oriented' or being 'task oriented'
The tests conducted for the Competency Profile are:
- Egogram
- Learning Style Inventory
- Motivational Analysis (MAB)
- Your Temperament (YT)
- Myers – Brigg’s Type Indicators (MBTI)
- Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation (FIRO)
The insights gleaned about the individual are shared with her/him along with a detailed profile map.
The process will take on an average 2 to 2.5 hours. This includes briefing, testing and counselling for candidates.