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Career Assessment

A career is mostly seen as a course of successive situations that make up a person's occupation. In order to equip individuals deal with the transition from a sheltered school life and get ready for their work life, this programme aims at career options that they can realistically view.
The focus remains on identifying innate strengths and weaknesses, abilities and competencies. It also aims at enhancing interpersonal skills. Various psychometrics are used in this phase for self analysis. A self-assessment is a great way to identify a starting place for the individual’s search.
What Is The Goal Of Career Counselling and Assessment?
The goal is to help individuals pass this “crossroad” with some information, guidance and awareness that would help them in effective decision making.
What Is The Process?
- Tests and matrices are carried out to help the person get a closer look at his/her behaviour patterns and habits.
- The individual is invited to understand the process of growth and development where he/she can see how his/her personality has been formed.

The programme proposes to empower individuals to cope and perform better in career discovery procedure.
Finding one’s own answers to the career questions helps the individual make better choices that can lead them to grow into a balanced, integrated and functional individual.
Career Assessment and Guidance is not restricted to those individuals who are starting their professional career. It is also helpful for those who are at the crossroads of working out where they would like to head.
The matrices for career assessment are as follows:
- Self Directed Search (SDS): SDS attempts to determine the personality profile of an individual among six different types using inventories.
- Mixed Group Test of Intelligence (MGTI): It is a group test consisting of 2 tests – the verbal test and the non – verbal test. Each of these has 5 subtests.
- David’s Battery of Differential Abilities (DBDA): The DBDA is a battery consisting of 8 ability tests - verbal ability, numerical ability, spatial ability, closure ability, reasoning ability, mechanical ability, clerical ability and psychomotor ability.
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC): It is an individually administered intelligence test for children between the ages of 6 and 16 inclusive that can be completed without reading or writing. It generates an IQ score which represents a child’s general cognitive ability.
- Wechsler’s Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS): It consists of the verbal subtest and performance subtest. A person taking the test receives a full-scale IQ score, a verbal IQ score & a performance IQ score.