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Testing And Profile Mapping – The Process
Step 1 :
A battery of psychometric tests is administered in this phase. This helps identify the personality traits that the individual calls on to survive and thrive at the workplace. It provides an insight into the functioning of the individuals' persona, telling us for instance, whether he or she tilts more towards being people–oriented or being task oriented.
Step II :
The insights gleaned about the individual are shared with her/him or with the recruiting / employing organization, as the case may be, for further action. A very detailed profile map is presented to the organization addressing three areas :
1. What is the current behaviour of the individual ?
2. What kind of environment is needed to bring out the best ?
3. If appropriate environment is provided, what is the potential available to the organisation ?
The process will take on an average 2 to 2.5 hours. This includes briefing, testing and counselling for candidates.

Step II :
The insights gleaned about the individual are shared with her/him or with the recruiting / employing organization, as the case may be, for further action. A very detailed profile map is presented to the organization addressing three areas :
1. What is the current behaviour of the individual ?
2. What kind of environment is needed to bring out the best ?
3. If appropriate environment is provided, what is the potential available to the organisation ?
The process will take on an average 2 to 2.5 hours. This includes briefing, testing and counselling for candidates.