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Services Offered

Outbound Stress Busters – short term workshops

Most organisations while achieving their goals, face issues such as :
- Sharing of limited resources
- Competing priorities between departments
- Perceived power equations within the organisation
- Inter departmental conflicts
The Outbound Program attempts to address :
- Unspoken issues
- Bring them out in the open in a non-threatening environment
- Helping the group understand how they can leverage the group potential
Techniques used are :
- behaviour simulation
- role play and role reversal
- combined with adventure sports modules
The adventure sport activities help the participants understand the power of mind over body; fill them with a sense of achievement and enable them to face their irrational fears.
These Personal Development Retreats are tailored to organisational needs.

- Understanding Different Personality types (for sales and marketing team)
- Goal Conflict Management
- Building a winning team
- Self awareness and personal growth
- Being a leader and motivating
- Creating breakthrough change
- Creative inter – personal relations
- Change management – being a change agent
- Communication Effectiveness
- Time Management – Self Management
- Resource Management:Being an Owner of Actions and Tasks