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Introspective Group

This is a group that:
- Expresses things as they are
- Social inhibitions is not entertained
- Honest relationship is encouraged
- Differences in thoughts and feelings are respected
- Individuality is respected with acceptance
- The group makes you face your own limitations in understanding, adjusting and feeling safe in presence of others
This is a structured program inviting you to introspect your personal and professional life.All of us play various roles such as of parent, partner in marriage/ relationship, boss - subordinate, and so on. This will bring out our emotional, rational and spiritual understanding of some areas that create conflicts within us.

- responsibility - expectations
- insecurities
- power and dominance
- vulnerability - sensitivity
- games - rackets
- control - nurturance
- regrets
- anger - fear
- love, sex, lust
- dependence - independence
- pleasant - unpleasant thoughts
- loneliness
- relationship with money