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Clients Review

About 2-3 years back, we were looking at un-tapping the potential of human capital at PIPL.

 We knew that there had to be something more than conventional “team-building”, “functional skill enhancement” or “management development” workshops.

That is around when, I met with Spring Team.

A  meeting devoid of  jargon and elaborate big presentations, but rather a proposition  of a  simple and  plain Individual Competency management  program for the top team,   through a  sensitive and  individualistic counselling  approach with an objective to unlocking individual “potential” and unblocking “mindsets”.

We partnered immediately after that meeting and since then team of Spring has become true friendto the top team of  PIPL, helping them succeed personally and professionally by “re-scripting” their lives.

…concepts are built on research and in-depth knowledge of human behaviour, psychology and group dynamics and based on an underlying genuine love for human beings… SPRING  embodies this

Cherian Kenneth Thomas