Home > Testing & Career Assessment > Psychometric Testing > Minnesota Multi Phasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
Minnesota Multi Phasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
It is one of the most frequently used personality test in mental health. The test is used
to assist in identifying personality structure and psychopathology.
The areas that MMPI looks at are:
to assist in identifying personality structure and psychopathology.
The areas that MMPI looks at are:
- Concern with bodily symptoms
- Depressive symptoms
- Awareness of problems and vulnerabilities
- Conflict, struggle, anger, respect for society's rules
- Stereotypical masculine or feminine interests/behaviors
- Level of trust, suspiciousness, sensitivity
- Worry, Anxiety, tension, doubts, obsessiveness
- Odd thinking and social alienation
- Level of excitability
- People orientation